We all want the red pill, to know and have the power of the spiritual world in order to better engage this world; from the movie the Matrix.
We who know the frustration and defeat of trying to always please God but falling short, so long for the Holy Spirit to strongly come upon us so that we always do what God desires. The Scriptures record at least three men who were overtaken by the Spirit of God: Sampson in this verse, David who was a friend of God and Solomon who had wisdom greater than all men who have ever lived.
In none of these cases was the presence of God sufficient to overcome their own choice to disobey God leading to their ultimate collapse. I expect, by the mercy and grace of God, to see again Sampson and David in the eternal kingdom of God, but I am not sure about Solomon. All of these men died less glorious than when they began their adventure with God in strength and vigor.
This is the reality. I must choose to love God and obey His commands. The presence of His Spirit will never so overwhelm me that my character and choices can go on autopilot – no matter how much I pray for this or long for it to be so. I am a player in this great war against the flesh and the devil.
God has committed Himself to never abandon me when I am following Him. He will provide the strength I need to obey and have faith, but I must choose to overcome my fear and apathy. Likewise, I must choose to put on the armor of God, I must choose to obey: I am morally responsible and accountable to obey God.
My prayer can and should be, please Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and please give me a heart to obey You. Then I must go forward, doing what I know He has commanded, trusting Him for His presence when the hour of trial arrives. But this prayer, while asking for the cup to pass, must conclude with not my will be done but Your will be done.
Then do it.