Colossians 2.7 commands, let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
The secret to happiness in the Christian life is knowing Jesus better and serving Jesus more. This is the summary of Paul’s command to the church as he reminded them of Who Jesus is, God made visible, and what we are to do, spread the message of God’s reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus the Savior.
Like the athlete that trains and practices before the game, the Christian is to put roots down deep into knowing Jesus personally. This is done practically through repetitive study of His words recorded in the Bible, prayer for applying those words and meeting with other Christians for encouragement, understanding and accountability for applying those words.
God has given church leaders for developing our understanding and fellow believers for encouraging and applying their application. This is why we continue to meet together and continue to read and listen to the great teachers of our faith both past and present.
Information is only half the equation. Transformation is the goal with global reconciliation to God in Christ Jesus the Savior. As we serve God more by elevating the life, death and resurrection of Jesus before all people we build our most holy faith.
Our faith is build in its depth personally and its breadth collectively as we individually and corporately focus on living and sharing the life and teaching of Jesus with the world. The Christian life is not about personal accomplishment or accumulation which is why Jesus said we must deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Him.
The Christian life is about knowing Jesus personally and sharing Him broadly until everyone everywhere has the same attitude toward Him and is living as He lived while living among us.
Every Christian is to make growing in Jesus their highest priority. Every Christian is to make expanding Jesus’ fans their most important activity.
When this is our Christian life we are the most happy and the most productive.