The record of Jesus’ triumph over the temptations of man is the story of restoration from Adam’s failure to overcome these same temptations when given to him.
Sin with its consequences of separation from God and enmity with men came into the world through the first man’s rebellion against God and continues to enter our world with every child born for sin is now inherent to our nature.
Jesus was born from a virgin so that He did not contain the sin nature and so was free to choose God or sin and by always choosing to obey God He became the Savior of the world.
His first victory was over the sin of putting what is practical before God. Jesus was hungry and was tempted to provide for Himself by turning stone to bread. Jesus did not comply for God would supply His every need when God and His ways were put first.
We often place our practical needs before God’s ways thinking we are doing right when we are actually denying faith in God.
Second Jesus resisted the prestige that would occur from doing a great miracle like jumping off the highest building without getting hurt. We are prone to self-aggrandizement when our true purpose is to glorify God.
We are not seek personal greatness but God’s glory upon the earth.
Finally Jesus resisted the lure of wealth with all its promise of comfort and control. Jesus taught a man’s life does not consist in His possessions.
God is to be the treasure of the Christian and the world’s treasure is to be used to extend God’s kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus was victorious over sin and He has provided His Holy Spirit to empower those who love Him to do likewise.