We Must Persevere in Hope To See God’s Will Done on Earth

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Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not rescued Your people at all.”” Exodus 5:23 NASB2020


Almost every new venture goes from good to bad before it goes from bad to great. It begins good because it is fueled by hope, the vision of fulfillment is desired so excitement and anticipation drives the beginning stages. Afterward hard work must kick in, dogged determination, overcoming of obstacles and of course, resistance. Something or someone always resists the changes we are pursuing, overcoming this resistance mentally, physically, emotionally and or financially can be very difficult but must be done if our goal is to be accomplished. This is how things simply are in this broken world that continuously rebels against God and His good ways. So too the will of God and those doing the work of God, encounter resistance to seeing His kingdom come and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Yet the character of the good soil is that it bears fruit with perseverance. We must not grow weary in doing good. We must persevere and work out our salvation with fear and trembling lest we fall short of the eternal promise made to us by Him Who is and Who was faithful to the point of death, even death on a cross. This life of being like Christ and doing the work of Christ can appear to be in vain sometimes but we must press on and not lose hope trusting that the author of our salvation will complete the good work He began in us for His glory and our eternal reward if we do not give up.


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