What Living The Christian Life Means

Through him we have received grace and our apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles on behalf of his name. You also are among them, called to belong to Jesus Christ. To all those loved by God in Rome, called to be saints: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!” Romans 1:5-7 NET https://bible.com/bible/107/rom.1.5-7.NET


Saved by grace, called to obedience as Jesus was obedient, to live before men as children of God. This is our life as Christians. By faith, we believe that humanity is incapable of living the perfect life a perfect God requires for living forever with Him, so we stand condemned before Him. The only solution is for God Himself to live among us as one of us, live a perfect life and then give His perfect life as a sacrifice for all humanity’s imperfections. Jesus at the cross exchanges perfection for imperfection which is appropriated to all who come to Him seeking reconciliation with God. This exchange is granted by grace because God loves us, but this exchange, the perfect life of Christ, is now sealed upon our hearts, causing us to live in obedience to God as Jesus did. Though still imperfect in the flesh, we are empowered by His Spirit to engage as He did the work of God, which is the proclamation of this good news of the work of God in Jesus the Savior. The obedience of Jesus is the accomplishment of the Father’s will in the world, the very purpose of our obedience to Jesus since we now belong to Jesus, Who purchased us by His blood when we exchanged our dead life for His resurrected life at the cross. Before men, we now live like Jesus, saints before God because we do His will, His way, for His glory. No longer concerned about our accomplishments, the children of God live as the Son of God seeking and saving the lost as we seek to do His will and not our own.

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