Why Are Christians Not Immediately Taken Into Heaven?

“We have beheld and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.” 1 John 4:14-15 LSB https://bible.com/bible/3345/1jn.4.14-15.LSB


Why does God not take to heaven immediately those who profess Him as their God and Savior? Many Christians have asked this question. The answer is quite simple. The Church is left on earth to complete the work of God, begun by Him from creation. This work is the reconciliation of the world to Himself through Jesus the Savior. Whose appearing, dying, and rising from the dead are the pinnacle events of God’s work among men and the focus of the Church’s current work among men. Christians exist to make God known in the world by living holy lives unto God characterized by love for one another and by giving testimony to God’s love by declaring the person of Jesus among men. If we are truly Christian, we make Jesus known by word and deed to those around us. Some travel thousands of miles to make Christ known, but all Christians are to make Christ known in the miles they travel. Our failure to do this simple task assigned to us by God in His Great Commission is the cause of so much suffering in this world run by evil men. The solution to the evil in the world is for all men to live in obedience to everything Jesus has commanded. His Lordship in our lives results from hearing and believing the gospel proclaimed by the Church. Now we are to make that same proclamation until all people hear, believe, receive and obey everything Jesus has commanded.


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