Why have we come to Jesus as Savior? Is it because of the guilt we feel from our evil deeds and we seek forgiveness for all we have ever done wrong against God and man? Jesus can do this, making His pardon possible by His death on the cross for all sin by all humanity from all time.
Have we come to Jesus so we can live forever with Him and all those who have ever loved Him on the new earth? Jesus promises such a life proving its existence by His resurrection from the dead. Why did Jesus choose the disciples or us for that matter? To forgive us? He must for us to live with Him forever since He is holy and we are not. To live with Him forever? We will, because of His life, death and resurrection motivated by His love which He had for us before the world was created. And because He loves us forever, He wants a relationship with us forever.
However, He choose the disciples and He chooses us, for now, to work for Him by leading others to Him so that all people everywhere in the world can also be forgiven and live with Him forever. We have been chosen to join Him in His labor, the work of seeing His kingdom come and His will be done on earth now as it is in heaven now. This occurs when humanity acknowledges God Almighty through Jesus Christ the Savior through obedience to all of His commands by the power of the Holy Spirit in us.
God in Spirit and Son has brought us into a relationship with Him so that we can join Him by working with Him to fish for men. We are fishers of men when we are praying for people, building relationships with people, serving and loving people and sharing with people the love of God in Jesus the Savior that leads to repentance and obedience to everything Jesus has commanded us. We have been chosen by God to serve God and the work of God is to know Him and to know Jesus as Savior and Lord demonstrated by obedience to Jesus.
Is this why you have come to Jesus as Savior? So that you can serve Him by working with Him to save the world?