It is often said that the best offense is a great defense but as is the case with many cultural beliefs, the Bible portrays a different truth: the best defense is a great offense.
Much attention is given to not sinning against God by the Church. In the past accountability groups were developed to try and keep men from sinning against God by asking questions about sins men are prone to making.
Not sinning against God is a good thing for all disobedience is bad.
The problem with focusing on not sinning is that we are consumed by sinful thoughts! In essence, we are always on defense.
The Biblical solution to our propensity for sin is to always be about doing good. The cup full of milk has no space for water. If we are always playing offense we have no thoughts toward defense.
The necessary attitude for always doing good is to focus on the will of God and the needs of others.
The reason we sin so much is because we are consumed by our own selfish interests whether physical or material.
To do good always is to be always working on expanding God’s glory on the earth by helping people experience more of God through us.
Doing good is centered upon serving God through serving people.
To play Biblical offense we need to fill our minds with God’s Word then apply it daily through consistent acts of service, care, compassion and love toward all those we meet in our daily activities.
Temptation itself is not a sin bcesuae Jesus Himself was tempted. It only becomes a sin when we allow ourselves to give in to it. And only true, born-again believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside them to help give them strength when a particular temptation comes upon us. is of great help in this area and we need to call upon the Holy Spirit to help us when we feel temptation coming upon us; in our own strength we cannot overpower satan and his demonic cohorts. They are way to strong for us, but not as strong as the Holy Spirit.We also need to use our spiritual weapons found in .Fortunately, some day, in Eternity, God will wipe out and eradicate all sin and temptation, but until then we need to continue to fight the good fight as Paul told young Timothy.
thanks Vicky