When we read this scripture in our age of tolerance we find it to be harsh causing us to become cynical and most likely disobedient.
We are not too good at holding one another accountable for we ourselves do not wish to be held accountable by anyone.
This is the reason for this command from the Apostle to the Church. The goal is to reflect Christ as He is and those who claim to be Christian but refuse to work out their salvation were to be corrected, first privately then publicly.
The purpose of the Church is the glory of God Who is most glorified when His children live in obedience to His commands demonstrated most effectively by love for one another.
Like the modern view of parenting, love has come to mean without correction. Yet none of us who are parents can go a day without some correction of our little ones.
The Church too must regularly engage the poor behavior of its members if it is to truly honor God in the world.
Could it be the poor view the world has of our God is a result of our poor representation of Him to the world?
Like the athlete who won’t pull his weight or the soldier who won’t have the back of his comrade is the Christian who lives little like the Lord Jesus Christ into Whose image He is seeking to form His people.
The best coach is the one who most disciplines his players, the best sergeant is the one who most trains his men and the best Christian is the one who strives to model Christ in the world calling others to the same standard while humbly receiving correction when he too demonstrates short comings.