God Gets Angry When The Church Doesn’t Help Him

“I looked, and there was no one to help, And I was astonished, and there was no one to uphold; So My own arm brought salvation to Me, And My wrath upheld Me.” (Isaiah 63:5 LSB) https://accordance.bible/link/read/LSB#Is._63:5


Again, the Scriptures make clear God expects men to be the instruments of fulfilling His purposes upon the earth. God has assigned to humanity the stewardship of the earth. This doesn’t mean not using fossil fuels, those things have been given to us by God for meeting our needs. Stewardship means ensuring the world is operating according to the ways of God enumerated in the word of God so that all creation lives for the glory of God. The church will be accountable to God for it’s proclamation of the word of God in Jesus the Savior even as all humanity will be held accountable by God for their obedience to Jesus the Savior. The means for knowing Jesus and thus becoming reconciled to God is through the church faithfully proclaiming the gospel to all nations and making disciples of all those who submit to Him as Savior and Lord. Failure to execute the will of God by the church invites the wrath of God upon His church. Failure to respond to the message of the church invites the wrath of God upon the people who ignore the church. God will hold all people accountable to His commands. God is offended by humanity when humanity ignores and disobeys His commands. The Lord God Almighty, Judge of the universe, has given us His word for knowing His ways so that we are without excuse for obeying His will. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, O church, rise up and make disciples of all people, teaching them everything Jesus has commanded us. Let us not walk alone but partner with God in the building of His kingdom upon earth as it is in heaven.

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