God is at work in the world making Himself known, working to reconcile the world to Himself. When men are at peace with God men are at peace with each other.
It is the enemy of God who comes to steal, kill and destroy thus motivating the havoc we experience in families and nations.
God doesn’t want us to be anxious but to trust Him that He has the world under His control. Yet God doesn’t work alone.
God works through His people to accomplish His purposes. God doesn’t send angels or some other heavenly beings to earth to get His will done. God instead speaks to and empowers those who love Him and earnestly seek Him with everything they need for accomplishing His purpose – which is ultimately God being honored in every nation.
When we are at work solving problems we are not anxious like we are when we are only watching the result of problems. Those who look at the world’s chaos and wring their hands live in fear. Those who engage the work of turning men from lies to truth, from foe to friend and from ignorance to revelation find themselves hopeful, cheerful and fruitful.
What the world needs is reconciliation with God, the One True God Who loves everyone and invites everyone into a personal relationship with Himself through Jesus the Savior. The will of God is for all of the people of God to participate in this work of reconciling the world to God through Jesus Christ.
Those who engage this work are those through whom God is working to bring honor to Himself among the nations and thus peace to men throughout the world.