Loving Our Neighbor Means Sharing With Our Neighbor

Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage, be strong. Everything you do should be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NET https://bible.com/bible/107/1co.16.13-14.NET


I saw an excellent meme yesterday that I have tweaked: Jesus died for you in public; live for Him in public. The original meme said not to live for Him in private. Our private Christianity has made little impact on our culture. It was the public expression of love by warning the pagans of the judgment to come for their evil deeds that led to the execution and persecution of the first Christians. It is time again for the church to embrace the way of suffering for Jesus by living like Jesus and inviting people to follow Jesus to have eternal life. If we truly love our neighbor as ourselves, we will do all we can to keep our neighbor from an eternity in hell. Faith comes through hearing God’s word, so we must share God’s word while living God’s word so that our neighbor might see God’s love, hear God’s love, and follow God’s will in Jesus, the world’s Savior. To faithfully share Jesus in this hostile climate, men will react negatively toward us. We don’t need to condemn people. The Holy Spirit’s work is to bring conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment. We must only speak of God’s ways, live those ways to demonstrate the wisdom of God’s ways, and invite people to follow God’s ways. The only reason some will become hostile is that they hate God’s ways and work for the enemy of God who has always been at war with God, so it inspires them to anger and rage against the word of God and the people of God. We need not worry about men who can only kill the body. We are to fear Him, Who can send body and soul to hell.


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