Living As Children Of God

For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”” Matthew 12:50 NET.


The mission of the Father in sending His Spirit into His adopted children who have been born again is to conform them to the image of His First Born Son. As children of God, we are to be like the Son of God in every way. What then is the will of God for the children of God? What was the will of God when the Son of God lived among us as one of us? It was to seek and save the lost. It was to become the Savior of the world by laying down His life in absolute obedience to the will of God as recorded in the word of God so He could fulfill the will of God. Some Christians deceive themselves into thinking they must only be good to please God. Their definition of good is summarized by not breaking the Ten Commandments and being kind to others. Jesus did not come to earth and die upon the cross to show us how to be good. He lived a holy life so that He could be a holy sacrifice to reconcile the world to the Father and make holy people who love Him and worship Him in Spirit and truth. Christians are not to seek goodness but holiness, which is moral perfection described by God’s Word. Goodness is perfect obedience to everything Jesus commands. That is to be the character of the Christian. The purpose of the Christian is to enter the ripe harvest field and share the gospel until all people come to saving faith in Jesus. If we were true children of God, siblings of Jesus the Savior, we would live holy lives as He is holy and lay them down in service until everyone we know, everywhere we go, comes to love and serve Jesus.


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