Our lives must change, we know that intuitively, but changing them is hard. Commercials of all kinds feed on this discontent we feel, promising to deliver the contentment we desire if we make the change to their product.
Things cannot satisfy our soul no matter what they are or how many we have as the stories of implosion among the rich and famous repeatedly reveal.
We have this sense that change is necessary because life doesn’t quite work the way we want it to, at least not yet! There are certainly good days but all of us have regrets, all of us wish we could be just a little better in our relationships with others if only we and everyone else could change.
God promises change and change for the better for He knows all is not right in the world as a result of our ignoring and disobeying Him.
The first step toward change that will last forever is the step of humbly following Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives. Following Jesus results in change from within by the power of God Whose objective is to change all of us into His image with the result we experience deeper and richer relationships both with God and with people.
The process of this change involves submission to God and service to people – the antithesis of our try on our own normal behavior.
If our relationships with God and others are not becoming closer and more intimate we should stop and evaluate if we are really keeping God first in our lives, others second and ourselves third.