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Praying Effectively

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive it, so that your joy may be complete.” John 16:24 NET


What do I want? What do I really, really want? I want to please God. I want to bear much fruit. I want to be faithful to the end. I want to be loved, and I want to love. I want my life to end well. I want my children to love me and think well of me. What does God want? What should I be asking the Father in the Name of Jesus that He wants to give me? If I want to see more of my prayers answered affirmatively, shouldn’t I pray in alignment more with God’s will? God does desire for me to be fruitful. It is fruitfulness through our lives that glorifies His life. He does want people saved, all people, and people are His means for accomplishing His purposes. God does want me to love others as He loves me. God is love, and those who live with Him forever must love Him. So what is the problem? My self-love. My sinful nature. I am constantly placing my interests above God’s interests. I am continually placing my will above God’s will. At the moment, I want my pleasures and purposes rather than God’s purposes. What is the solution? Repentance and thankfulness for God’s eternal forgiveness of me through Jesus Christ, my Lord. I also need to keep praying and keep obeying. Keep understanding the Word of God that reveals God’s will so that I align with His will and accomplish His purposes. His word rebukes my sinful ways so I can reorient toward Him, Who is the way, the truth, and the life. What I want and what I really, really want takes all my effort and concentration to stay focused upon God for coming into reality.

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