Loving or Hating

John 7.7 observes the world can’t hate you; but it does hate Me, because I accuse it of sin and evil. God claimed the world hated Him because He accused…

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What is most important?

John 6:27 commands you shouldn’t be so concerned about perishable things like food, no, spend your energy seeking the eternal life. What are we giving our time to? To what…


Worthy of Heaven

Luke 20.35 promises those who are counted worthy of being raised from the dead get to heaven. Everyone will live for eternity according to the Word of the eternal God.…


Rewards of our Work

Luke 19.11 explains He told a story to correct the impression that the Kingdom of God would begin right away. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God from heaven to earth…


How Many will get to Heaven?

Luke 13.23 reports someone asked Him, will only a few be saved? Unlike all other religions of the world, the Christian religion teaches that God became a man in order…


Called out by God

Luke 6.13 recalls He called together His followers and chose twelve of them. After watching Jesus heal everyone who came to Him and hearing Him speak words about God that…

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Less talk more walk

1 Corinthians 4.20 records the kingdom of God is not just talking it is living by God’s power. There is a saying, ‘what we need is a lot less talk…

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How to See God

Mark 8.11-12 demands a miracle for us but God responds, ‘certainly not!’ When God lived among us as the Man Jesus He did many things to convince men that God…


Being Fit for God

Mark 7.23 lists things that make us unfit for God. The list God gives, which is partial and not exhaustive, for the things that we think in our hearts and…

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Why do bad things happen

Job 2.10 asks shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant? Job was a very blessed man who loved and obeyed God. The…