Worthy of Heaven

Luke 20.35 promises those who are counted worthy of being raised from the dead get to heaven. Everyone will live for eternity according to the Word of the eternal God.…


Rewards of our Work

Luke 19.11 explains He told a story to correct the impression that the Kingdom of God would begin right away. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God from heaven to earth…


How Many will get to Heaven?

Luke 13.23 reports someone asked Him, will only a few be saved? Unlike all other religions of the world, the Christian religion teaches that God became a man in order…


Being for God

Luke 11.23 observes anyone who is not for Me is against Me. What does it mean to be ‘for’ something? Is it like putting on the colors of our local…


All Religion is not Equal

Luke 10.16 claims those who reject Me are rejecting God Who sent Me. There are many people who believe all religions are the same. These same people have not reviewed…


Called out by God

Luke 6.13 recalls He called together His followers and chose twelve of them. After watching Jesus heal everyone who came to Him and hearing Him speak words about God that…

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Esteemed by God

Matthew 20.27 commands you must serve like a slave. The greatest of all is the servant of all because God Who is the greatest of all, served all by sacrificing…


Getting what we REALLY want

Matthew 16.26 asks what can be compared with the value of eternal life. What do we all really want? In the moment it might be acceptance from others. In the…


Pursuing God

Matthew 13.22 describes a man whose longing for money choked-out God’s Word and he does less and less for God. God, when He lived among us as the man Jesus…

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Working to get to Heaven

Matthew 7.21 comments the decisive question is whether they obey My Father in heaven. Everyone wants to go to heaven but few are willing to work to get there. Fortunately…