Our Focus Must Change

Mark 4.19 observes, all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure ofimage wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced.

The problem in America isn’t God but His people not obeying God. The will of God is for the people of God to love Him first and most resulting in their working for Him to establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. (more…)


The Church Needs to Reclaim it’s Voice

Jeremiah 9.3 observes, they refuse to stand up for the truth. They only go from bad to worse. They doimage not know me, says the LORD.

What is truth? Since at least 1960 the rhetoric has been that there is no truth. This belief has allowed social changes to occur by sweeping away thinking that previously held to certain belief’s about what is right and what is wrong. The result of this myth has been increasing societal chaos.

If we applied this belief to engineering or medicine we would have bridges collapsing, planes crashing, and surgery’s going horribly awry. Math and science depend upon truth so that they can reach conclusions upon which they can base further premises. (more…)


The Value of Religious Activities

Matthew 15.11 defines, it’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.image

The Muslims are wrapping up their holy week most characterized by fasting from sunup until sundown. Fasting has been used by religious people of all stripes from all time as a means to appease the gods and or garner their attention.

Christians have used fasting historically not so much for these purposes but to discipline the flesh so that we obey the Spirit. (more…)


Christians and Muslims Wage War Differently

Deuteronomy 33.11 asks, bless the ministry of the Levites, O LORD, and accept all the work of their hands. Hit their enemies where it hurts the most; strike down their foes so they never rise again.image

The Bible uses the language of war to describe the brokenness between man and God and man with man. War is necessary sometimes because of our refusal to love one another.

We needed to go to war against Hitler or his maniacal murderous schemes would have destroyed the world. We need to go to war against Islam since it refuses to exist as a religion of peace. Police need to go to war against criminals. (more…)


God Makes Big Promises

Isaiah 45.19 records God stating, I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek Me if I could not be found. I, the imageLORD, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.

God knows He alone is God and that He lives regardless of the opinion of humanity. In our pride and in His humility, we are allowed to live, talk and think as though God were not real but we are sadly mistaken. (more…)


What God Expects From Us

Revelation 12.17 describes, the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of imageher children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.

The Bible describes the world as being at war. We see the evidence of this reality but as American Christians we don’t always interpret that reality as being daily and local. (more…)


Living Our Best Life Now

Deuteronomy 11.26-28 offers, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing if you take to heart the commandments of the LORD your God that I am giving you today, and the curse if you pay no attention to his commandments and turn from the way I am setting before you today to pursueimage other gods you have not known.

God gets blamed for most of the bad things that happen in the world but if we thought about it very long we would recognize that most of the evil occurs because one human chooses to harm another human. (more…)


Who is this Jesus?

Isaiah 33.22 describes, the LORD is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save imageus.

This is both an apt and succinct description of the Christian God in Jesus Christ the Savior. While penned 1000 years before His arrival in human form, Isaiah saw God, and was commissioned with foretelling His coming as the Messiah or Savior of the world. (more…)


What it Takes to Serve God

John 12.25 promises, those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing forimages their life in this world will keep it for eternity.

Mohammad twisted this promise from God reinterpreting it to mean that his followers whose suicide kills others will automatically qualify for heaven. What kind of a god would make this offer? Only one whose true mission is to steal, kill and destroy. (more…)


Restoring Hope to the World

Isaiah 26.18 describes, we, too, writhe in agony, but nothing comes of our suffering. We have not givenimage salvation to the earth, nor brought life into the world.

This observation recorded more than 3000 years ago is a perfect description of the Church in the Western Hemisphere and possibly beyond. (more…)