How to Get to Heaven

Titus 2.12 records God wants us to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. Christianity is an anomaly among all of the world's religions. It is the only religion that…


Where is the Judgement?

Ecclesiastes 8.11 explains because God does not punish sinners instantly, people feel its safe to do wrong. We are fools to think the Watcher of our souls does not see…


What about Jesus?

John 16.9 observes the world's sin is unbelief in Me. most people believe themselves to be pretty good, especially as compared to others. Most people view religion as a means…


All Religion is not Equal

Luke 10.16 claims those who reject Me are rejecting God Who sent Me. There are many people who believe all religions are the same. These same people have not reviewed…


Christian or Disciple

Matthew 8.34 records they begged Him to go away and leave them alone. When Jesus comes He messes with our lives, at least He is supposes to have that effect…


Real Religion

Mathew 7.6 observes this people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me. I was sitting with a man yesterday talking to him about the things…

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No God but One

Isaiah 45.6 records there is no God but Me; I am the Lord, I have no peer. Political correctness and its sister ‘tolerance,’ have so permeated society that many who…


True Religion

John 4.22 observes you people worship what you do not know. When God lived with us as a man, the Lord Jesus, He had no problem telling someone their religion…