Less talk more walk

1 Corinthians 4.20 records the kingdom of God is not just talking it is living by God’s power. There is a saying, ‘what we need is a lot less talk…

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Being Fit for God

Mark 7.23 lists things that make us unfit for God. The list God gives, which is partial and not exhaustive, for the things that we think in our hearts and…

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Love must be the Motive

Matthew 15.8 observes these people say they honor Me but their hearts are far away. The One True God measures people by their heart and not by their deeds. All…


Pursuing God

Matthew 13.22 describes a man whose longing for money choked-out God’s Word and he does less and less for God. God, when He lived among us as the man Jesus…

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Working to get to Heaven

Matthew 7.21 comments the decisive question is whether they obey My Father in heaven. Everyone wants to go to heaven but few are willing to work to get there. Fortunately…


Living Pleasing to God

Genesis 6.8 observes Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. The world was becoming increasingly more rebellious against God. Lying, stealing, murder and sexual immorality were on the rise violating…


Making A Good Plan

Acts 2.23 describes God following His prearranged plan. From before the creation of the heavens and the earth and all they contain, God had a plan. God worked from a…


Gaining Eternal Life

Revelation 21.7 promises the one who conquers will inherit these things. The final book of the Bible begins and ends nearly the same: with a warning that those who live…


What is True?

John 17.17 records God will set them apart in the truth; Your Word is truth. The past fifty years has seen a consistent message proclaimed in the culture that truth…


The problem is Love

John 14.23 observes if anyone loves Me, he will obey My Word. The problem with the American church is a problem of love. Our love for God, for the Lord…