Reward Is Earned On Earth And Distributed In Heaven "Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9 CSB I fear too… "Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9 CSB I fear too… “The Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied….. And take this staff in your hand that you will perform the signs with.”….. So… “Working together with him, we also appeal to you, “Don’t receive the grace of God in vain.” For he says: At an acceptable time I listened to you, and… "But you must return to your God, by maintaining love and justice, and by waiting for your God to return to you." Hosea 12:6 NET What should… “It was he who gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry,… "For the one who was called in the Lord as a slave is the Lord's freedman. In the same way, the one who was called as a free person… “When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of… “They do not belong to the world just as I do not belong to the world. Set them apart in the truth; your word is truth. Just as you… “Stay alert, then, because you do not know when the owner of the house will return – whether during evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or at dawn… “Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not for people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the Lord…
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