“In other words, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s trespasses against them, and he has given us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!” God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:19-21 NET https://bible.com/bible/107/2co.5.19-21.NET
Every religion on the planet, every philosophy of man, is an attempt to get men to be good. They all require people to do certain things, behaving in specific ways, to get to heaven, whatever that is for the prescribed religion or philosophy. Only Christianity breaks from this performance requirement. Christianity proclaims that the One True God loves sinners, which all of us are because we all disobey God from birth. Because God loves sinners, He is offering a pardon for the punishment of sin to all who come to Him for that pardon through Jesus the Savior. All people must come to Jesus because only Jesus can issue the pardon, having earned that power by living a perfect life on earth and exchanging His perfection for humanity’s imperfection at the cross, where He was punished once and for all for the sins of humanity. Only Jesus came to men to save men, having first come from God as God to become a man to die for men so that all men could be saved. Now those reconciled to God through Jesus the Savior are to share this good news that God loves us and is willing to forgive us with everyone everywhere. We live to please God because we love Him, so grateful for His magnanimous pardon for all our sins.