The goal of God for His people is that each one live and serve Him and others as a priest.
We serve God by serving others.
A priest represents and instructs the will of God to people and petitions God on behalf of the people. A priest therefore seeks to make God and His ways known to the ignorant while seeking to make known to God the needs of His people.
A priest has the duel function of spending much time with God in order to know Him well and spending time with people in order to know them well. This is what God meant when He said love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
This life is the life God modeled for us when He lived among us as Jesus. Jesus spent many hours in prayer with His Father and many hours with humanity serving, teaching and modeling the life God intended for everyone to live.
The world could use the Christian community living as priests.
The world is desperately looking for those who really know the One True God and reflect His nature of compassion, love, mercy, grace and truth.
The world longs to feel the love of God through the hands of fellow human beings. The world needs help and hope.
God wants His people to live as priests in the world, will we take Him up on His offer?