Christian Jihad

1 Timothy 1:18 commands fight well in the Lord’s battles. Is this justification for Christian Jihad?image

There has never been a Christian version of the Muslim Jihad. What about the Crusades? The Crusades were a response, albeit not always godly, against Muslim expansion into Europe and not a mandate to force all infidels into the faith or perish by the sword.

The Christian version of holy war is the battle against principalities and powers in high places that seek to keep people ignorant of the saving work of God through Jesus the Christ.

In plain English, Christian holy war is a verbal defense against all world views that deny the existence of God and His coming in Jesus Who commands all people everywhere to repent and receive Him freely as their Lord and Savior.

The means for waging this war is humble service, a willingness to be maligned by men and persecuted physically for proclaiming the Truth that there is one God and one means for pleasing Him, a reconciled relationship with Jesus. As God surrendered His life to become the Savior, His people are to surrender their lives in the proclamation of Him as Savior. (more…)

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The Importance of Believing the Truth

2 Thessalonians 2:10 proclaims they are on their way to hell because they have said no to the Truth; they have refused to imagebelieve it and love it and let it save them.

Jesus, the personal revelation of God in the flesh, promised that by knowing the truth we would be set free. We know this is true for we know of many who have brought great harm to themselves because of the lies they believed about themselves.

When we make a bad purchase, when all the information that was true wasn’t quite revealed, we realize again the truth that knowing the truth will set us free from personal and financial headaches.

There is an ultimate truth, a truth that determines the eternal destiny of everyone. Jesus said He is the Truth and His Truth is that He is God in person, made visible so that we could know God and trust God for the salvation of our souls when we pass from this life into the next.

The modern definition of truth is that each person decides what is true for themselves but the foolishness of such a belief is obvious in math, science, and relationships. We would all be miserable if engineers built bridges and structures based upon whatever truth they believed. So too with doctors.

And just because we believe something to be true doesn’t mean our significant other does and they let us know sometimes how untrue our truth really is! So too if there is a God doesn’t it make sense He would want us to know Who He really is so that we could please Him the way He wants? (more…)


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