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The Process Of Living With God Forever

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us,….Therefore, strengthen your tired hands and weakened knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated but healed instead. Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness  — without it no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:1, 12-14 CSB


The goal of our salvation is to see the Lord. It is to live with Jesus as our God forever, with Him and all those who have ever loved Him. Hopefully, this includes all of our children and grandchildren. The purpose of our lives on this earth is to become reconciled to God so that we can live with Him in peace forever rather than be forever separated from Him in the fires of hell where only eternal torment and suffering exist. Once reconciled to God, our mission is to help as many more as possible also become reconciled to God, for He desires that no one perish but all come to eternal life. God has provided three things to help us remain faithful to God and achieve our objective of eternal life. God has provided His Spirit to lead and guide us, to remind us, and to help us apply God’s word to our lives to become more like Jesus, holy in every way, for without holiness, no one will see God. God has provided the Scripture, the Spirit’s fuel for making us holy. These words are true and, when applied to our lives, sanctify us or make us holy. Finally, God has given us His church for encouraging each other, building up one another, journeying, and working together to make Christ known to the world. This fellowship is inwardly making us stronger and more like Christ and outward, joining together to proclaim Christ to the world. The only other item we need to live forever is the will to obey God, know His word, and join His people so that we become the children of God. He looks forward to welcoming us into His eternal dwelling place as His dearly beloved. We must choose Jesus, put aside our sins, strive toward holiness, and run with endurance, embracing God and His gifts to help us reach His goal of eternal life with Him in Jesus, the Savior of the world.

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