What are You Depending Upon?

2 Chronicles 16.9 promises the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose thhearts are fully committed to Him.

This declaration was made by the prophet to the king of Judah who had just exhibited unfaithfulness to the Lord. How was he unfaithful? By not seeking God for help but looking to others to rescue him during his time of need.

Its normal for us to solve our own problems or seek help from others when those troubles are larger than our own resources. This kind of living is defined by God as being wise in our own eyes.

God is searching for those who look to Him to be their help in time of need then live in obedience to His will regardless of their circumstances. The oft quoted Bible verse, ‘God helps those who help themselves’ is not in the Bible.

God helps those who turn to Him for help and wait upon Him for His deliverance to be done His way and in His time. Sometimes that rescue occurs after we pass from this life to the next. In that eternal place there is no more death, no more suffering, no more sorrow.

Sometimes His rescue occurs in this life but even that is temporary for at some point we must all say good-bye to our loved ones before meeting our Maker.

The goodness of God is displayed in His provision of a promise to raise all people from the dead; some to live with Him on the new earth forever in peace, joy and fellowship with God and millions of others whom He also adopted.

In the meantime God promises difficulty for those who live on this earth with its brokenness and rebellion against the rule of God. The people of God are to have faith in God that He watches over us for good whether that good comes now or later.

Regardless of when His deliverance comes we are to believe and live as though it will come by not forcing the outcome we want through our own manipulation of our resources or the resources of others whatever those may be.

Before leaving us God asked would He find faith upon the earth when He returned again to earth to assert His Rule over all that is and was and ever shall be.

That question is still being asked daily by God as He roams the earth with His watchful eye and listening ear seeking to strengthen those who are depending upon Him.

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