“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach” Mark 3:13-14 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/mrk.3.13-14.NIV
My constant prayer is, Lord, choose me! I want to be with Jesus intimately and serve Jesus fruitfully. I want to walk with Him like Enoch and produce for Him like Paul. I want to enter His courts with thanksgiving and be welcomed by Him as one He knows well and has anticipated to joyfully reward. I seek to hear Him say this is My beloved son, with whom I am well pleased because I was faithful to Him and diligent in working for Him. The purpose of our Christianity is to be reconciled to God through Jesus the Savior, then work with as much time, treasure, and talent at our disposal to see His kingdom come upon earth as it is in heaven. The Great Commission is the mission of every Christian. The Great Commandment is the fuel that drives our purpose of accomplishing the establishment of the Church on earth and in heaven. I want to respond to the Holy Spirit in faith, obedience to His Word, and to His voice in practically obeying His Word. I want to be among those doing the same who likewise love God most and seek His glory first to be rewarded for eternity rather than pursuing the temporary pleasures of this world. This desire of mine is not simply my choice but must have the presence of God to be accomplished. His presence to come near me is His choice. My choice is to seek Him with all my heart. Fruitfulness in eternal work is His blessing. My requirement is to faithfully serve anywhere and anyone to bring everyone everywhere into a restored relationship with God through Jesus the Savior. My flesh is my enemy; it always seeks my own way, rights, and pleasures. I need Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and His Church for knowing Him and doing His will. Please choose me, Lord, and send me into Your world to profitably make disciples of all nations.