But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, And whose sins have been covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.” He who was delivered over because of our wrongdoings, and was raised because of our justification.” Romans 4:5, 7-8, 25 NASB2020https://bible.com/bible/2692/rom.4.5-25.NASB2020
This is the good news, this is what separates Christianity from all other religions, this is why, no matter the circumstances, Christians declare God is good. The saved, the people who are going to heaven, the people who will live forever on the new earth with God and all those who have ever loved Him from the beginning of time, are those who had faith in the work of God and not in thier own good works. The goodness of God is that He makes right those who were ungodly, He justifies them, which means God declares them good. Not because they lived perfect lives but because He appropriated to them the perfect life lived by Jesus. Furthermore, He punished Jesus on the cross for the ungodly life people lived, the Christian exchanged his disobedience for Jesus’ obedience. It is not being good according to our own definition of goodness that makes a person right with God, it is God declaring a person right based upon His requirement of goodness that only Jesus lived and only Jesus can transfer to us by our faith in His willingness to make that transfer. Most people want to ignore God and make thier own way to heaven. This is impossible for it further disobeys God by ignoring His grace and mercy He wants for us through the work of Jesus. How do we know this is all true? The resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection from the dead proves His death on the cross paid for our sins and that His promise to those who have faith in Him will also rise from the dead to join Him in heaven and upon the new earth to live forever in His goodness, joy, peace, love, abundance and beauty is true. It is faith in God’s work, on the cross and the resurrection that makes a person right with God and not a person’s own good deeds whatever they think they may be.