Why Should Christians Live Holy Lives?

“So then, dear friends, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from every impurity of the flesh and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1 CSB https://bible.com/bible/1713/2co.7.1.CSB


What are these promises Paul reminds the church we have? The promise is that in Christ, we are children of God, adopted, loved, and forgiven, and promised eternal life with Him and all those who have ever loved the One True God and obeyed His commands. Since we are children of God, we are to live like God, not in power or authority but in holiness and purity. Our character should reflect the character of God. Our treatment of people should reflect the way God feels toward people. This is the answer to those who believe it makes no difference how we live now that Jesus has died for all our sins and forgiven us for all those sins on the cross. While our sins are forgiven forever, we are now to live like those who are dead to sin, who have no sin and are no longer under the power of sin. Our flesh will remind us that sin resides in our DNA, but the Spirit of God, Who now resides within us, will remind us of our relationship with God and will empower us to no longer live as estranged people but to live as children of God. Our living like God is to be a light on a hill, salt in the mouth of the thirsty, creating a desire for God that causes people to want Him and praise Him because of the testimony of Him they see through us. We know the cost of Jesus’ pardon for our sins; we show that knowledge and appreciation when we sin no more.

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