You Should Be Pursuing Wealth.

Luke 12.33 encourages, sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow old, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

Most people want to be wealthy. Being wealthy means an easier life, cool stuff, beautiful places, good food, etc. Everywhere you go in the world, people want to be wealthy.

God does not condemn the desire to be wealthy. Like nearly every human desire, from intimacy to power, God almost never condemns the desire for these things. God has instead made defined objectives for these things which are almost always different from our own. We want to be rich but we define it as money, houses, freedom, cars, vacations, etc. God encourages the accumulation of wealth but not worldly wealth destined to perish with our lives.

God encourages eternal wealth, this treasure is inexhaustible, so that it can be experienced for all eternity. Our wealth lasts a short time and often, we are unable to enjoy it as we are too old to do the things we would do were we younger and had it all then. If we accumulate God’s wealth we will enjoy the rewards of that forever with health at least equal to our means. Imagine, young and wealthy forever.

So how do we accumulate heavenly wealth? Serve God fully and wholeheartedly. Practically this is the work of seeing His kingdom come and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. It is using up all of our temporary time, talent and treasure to see people come to Jesus as Savior and grow in their understanding of Him so that we earn eternal reward while living with these people forever.

Eternal reward is paid to those who embrace the cross as Jesus did by not doing our own will but the will of Him Who made us.

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