One of the evidences for the truth of Scripture, that the Lord alone is God and that Jesus is the God-Man, the only Savior of the world, is the difficulty we have in identifying with Him before men.
How many times have we failed to raise the flag of allegiance before men when we know we could have shared something about Him with those around us? How many times have we been ashamed to identify ourselves as Christians, followers of Jesus the Lord of all? This fear, this shame, is the result of sin in our lives and the spiritual forces of evil all around us.
It demonstrates a lack of love for God, Who is to be our first love, and a love for our neighbor, whose condition without Christ is eternal suffering in hell. Loving God and loving our neighbor are our two primary occupations required by God. They are best accomplished together in the presentation of the gospel to men and in the discipling of men in their relationship to God by teaching obedience to all of Christ’s commands.
God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power to share Him, to identify with Him and to stand with Him before men so that we can stand with Him for all eternity before angels.
Please Lord, forgive my sins and change me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love my neighbor as myself so that my greatest joy is the sharing of You with men!