Food is fuel, fuel necessary for accomplishing the goals we have for our life. Not enough food and food is all we think about. Too much food and we are unhappy physically becoming lethargic until the fullness goes away. Too little food and we will eat anything. Too much food and we become picky. Too little food and we become scrawny and weak. Too much food and we become fat and weak.
The Word of God fuels our ability, desire and commitment to the will of God which our bodies complete as the work of God. For too many Christians, unlike their Master, their food is not the Word of God leading them to want the will of God so that they give their best lives to the work of God.
So many men do not feed themselves from God’s Word daily so they are starving. The crumbs they receive once a week are too little to develop any strength for creating passion, energy or commitment to doing God’s will which is the building of His kingdom upon earth as it is in heaven. This explains the poverty of our impact upon our current culture. We lament about its downward spiral but do little to stop it preferring to watch it lethargically from the sidelines.
At the same time we have an abundance of spiritual food. Books, radio, blogs, churches and Bibles provide God’s Word in an endless smorgasbord of truth and method. Daily, even hourly we could do nothing else but gorge ourselves from the table of teaching from God’s Word. Too many have become hearers only rather than doers of His Word, not realizing that unless we use that food we receive to exercise our faith we become fat, immobile and puffed up with knowledge but no fruit.
Again, we see the problem, we know what to do but are so heavy with information we are incapable of bringing transformation which is necessary for salvation to increase in our cities. Food is fuel.
God’s word is to be consumed by absorbing then applying to be returned to again and again for further supply so that we can do more work for His glory and our eternal reward.