Working for God’s Greatest Reward
2 Corinthians 5.10-11 reminds us, we must all appear before the judgment seat

2 Corinthians 5.10-11 reminds us, we must all appear before the judgment seat
Romans 15.4 explains, everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we…
Revelation 2.26 promises, the one who conquers and who keeps My works to the end: I will give him authority over the nations.
The Lord Jesus promises His reward of eternal life with Him on the new earth to those who conquer and remain faithful to do His will to the end of their days. This challenge, requirement, promise is different from what most Christians believe and speak – that we must merely pray to Jesus for our salvation and so it will be. (more…)
Ephesians 2.7 describes, in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His grace through His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. Our eternal life, the life we…
Matthew 19.23 records, Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
The rich man wanted to enter heaven but he missed it. To show him his true love, and this determines our eternal destiny, God required him to give away what was most precious to him. This he could not do. (more…)
Isaiah 6.8 records, I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me.
Oh that everyone in the marketplace would hear God ask them this question. In truth, God has transitioned this question to a command telling us all to go and make disciples. When God lived among us as one of us, Jesus the Savior, He said He came to change His followers into fishers of men. (more…)
Ecclesiastes 12.14 promises, God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.
Omniscient is the word we use to describe God’s ability or character, for knowing all things. This is why He can command us to do good without making a show of it – to not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing, because He sees it, knows it and will one day reward it. God will bring all of our lives to light. (more…)
Psalm 2.12 commands, pay homage to the Son or He will be angry and you will perish in your rebellion, for His anger may ignite at any moment. All who…
Galatians 1.10 asks, am I now trying to persuade people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I
Paul identifies the root cause of our problem in the America Church. The culture has become increasingly distant from the person, character and work of Jesus Christ. The culture has now reached the place of hostility toward the Church. (more…)
2 Corinthians 5.6 observes, we are always confident and know that while we are at home in the body
Paul is speaking about our physical body though he is encouraging us about our future body. Paul reminds us that while we live on earth we are not at home with the Lord. Our true destiny, our true residence, our true happiness, is with Jesus where He is living bodily; with Him forever. (more…)
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