Without God, Why Should We Be Good?

Ezekiel 8.17 asks, have you seen this, son of man? Is it nothing to the people of Judah that they commit these detestable sins, leading the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses at Me, and provokingimage My anger?

My brother was sharing with me this past weekend about his diversity training class he attended prior to his return to teaching in an inner city school. Perhaps no greater sin currently exists in our culture than racism. (more…)


Reading the Bible is Essential for Passing Life’s Final Exam

Ezekiel 3.10 commands, son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen tobible-1425029 them carefully for yourself.

I am always amazed by the disregard people have for the Bible. In our arrogance we believe that what we think about God defines God.

That logic has never made sense to me because its untrue in every other realm of life. What I think about a person doesn’t define that person. My experience defines that person but even then, without more experience, I could still be wrong about the nature and character of a person despite what I think. (more…)


The Fools Will Win the Culture War

1 Corinthians 3.18 commands we stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’simage standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise.

The cultural war around us is a war of ideas. The battle lines have been drawn between God and science and between the Bible and public opinion.

The war analogy is meaningful because there is much hostility brewing among those who oppose God and the Bible toward those who believe in God and the Bible. (more…)


Why Does Christianity Receive all the Hate?

Acts 28.22 records, this movement…is denounced everywhere.image

Christianity has a long history of being maligned and despised. It actually began under such dubious marketing. What is the problem with Christianity? Why is it the religion to hate?

When compared to Islam and Hinduism, Christianity should be heralded as the only religion espousing women’s equality, intolerance for racism, and love for those who practice sexual perversion. Yet most people think Christianity represents the very opposite on these issues. (more…)


Defining God

Jeremiah 30.21 records, I will invite him to approach Me, says the LORD, for who would dare to come imageunless invited?

I am increasingly amazed at the belief we practice about God. We take God for granted and hold Him in very little esteem. We believe that what we think He is defines Who He really is rather than getting our definition directly from Him.

Everyone seems quite comfortable with everyone else’s interpretation of Who God is as though He were all things to all people. What kind of a person is that? (more…)


The Heritage of Our Generation

Jeremiah 16.19 records, Our ancestors left us a foolish heritage, for they worshiped worthless idols.image

Every parent hopes to leave a heritage to their children that helps them live better, stronger, freer than they themselves experienced in their youth. Our parents and grand parents certainly achieved this goal in education and economics for us. (more…)


What Cost For Change Will We Pay?

Acts 5.41 observes, the apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to image
suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus.

When the Church started it was considered a badge of honor to suffer for being a Christian. Today, we cower at being maligned for Jesus’ sake.

This fear of man has become greater than our fear of God with the result that most have not heard from Christians that all people must repent and be born again if they are to enter into eternal life. (more…)


The Church Needs to Reclaim it’s Voice

Jeremiah 9.3 observes, they refuse to stand up for the truth. They only go from bad to worse. They doimage not know me, says the LORD.

What is truth? Since at least 1960 the rhetoric has been that there is no truth. This belief has allowed social changes to occur by sweeping away thinking that previously held to certain belief’s about what is right and what is wrong. The result of this myth has been increasing societal chaos.

If we applied this belief to engineering or medicine we would have bridges collapsing, planes crashing, and surgery’s going horribly awry. Math and science depend upon truth so that they can reach conclusions upon which they can base further premises. (more…)


Obeying God Means Loving People

Matthew 22.39 records God answering the question about which command is most important. Hisimage answer is unbelievable: A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

Most of us envision God as a bit of an egotist. He wants to be worshiped by everyone, all the time. That’s what we would want if we were God.

While the One True God seeks worshipers, His first desire is to be loved. (more…)